War Ship presents us a fun and healthy way of entertainment, in which you will have to be clever and good strategist if you wish to win this war.
When the game begins you will be given five ships which you have to position on the left side of your screen. The left panel is your sea field, and the right panel is the opponent's sea field. Attempt to locate your ships in such a way that is very hard to guess, because the game's purpose is just to sink all the enemy's ships. If you position your naval army in easy-to-guess locations, the enemy will be able to find your ships more easily thus making you lose the game.
After the ships are in position, you and the machine will take turns to shoot at the sea field of the opponent. Shoot using left click and select the location with your mouse. The enemy cannot see your ships, and neither can you. Here is where the strategy comes in place, you have to attempt to guess where the opponent's ships are located, and once you hit something that is not water, try to figure in which position the ship was placed, horizontally or vertically. Using simple triangulation techniques you will be able to sink the entire enemy's armada in just a few minutes.
Whoever destroys the enemy's battle armada first, wins the game.